Der englische Originaltitel "This Changes Everything" verweist noch deutlicher auf das zentrale Thema, nämlich die immer offener zutage tretende Unmöglichkeit, den Klimawandel im Rahmen der vorherrschenden Wirtschaftsweise (wachstumsorientierter Kapitalismus) zu bekämpfen oder auch nur zu begrenzen. In einer Rezension auf dem Blog der LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) heißt es:
Naomi Klein in her new book This Changes Everything presents a new way of looking at two major problems: disaster capitalism and climate change. Klein’s argument is that, while the majority of people think climate change is a threat, “we have not done the things that are necessary to lower emissions because those things fundamentally conflict with deregulated capitalism” which is the “reigning ideology” of our time (p. 18). At the heart of the book Klein is supplying society with a challenge: are we on the right path, are we doing the right things for ourselves and for the future, and is this the best we can be? Arguably her core message is one of social and environmental justice: “the solution to global warming is not to fix the world, but to fix ourselves” (p. 279).