Ein lesenswerter Beitrag von
Michael Jacobs im
Blog der LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) greift das an dieser Stelle immer wieder behandelte Thema, den Übergang von Nachhaltigkeit bzw. nachhaltiger Entwicklung zu
green economy bzw.
green growth auf und benennt die Gründe für diese Akzentverschiebung seit der Finanzkrise von 2008.
Over the past four years the concept of ‘green growth’ has burst onto
the international policy scene. A term rarely heard before 2008, it now
occupies a prominent position in the international policy discourse. The last two G20 Summits declared their support for this goal. The World Bank, the OECD and the UN Environment Programme are all now committed to it. A new body, the Global Green Growth Institute has been created to advise governments on its implementation. A whole panoply of green growth networks, forums and ‘knowledge platforms’ has sprung up.
Was sind die Gründe für diese Entwicklung? Hatte das Konzept "nachhaltige Entwicklung" nicht die gleichen Ziele?
The answer is that the concept of sustainable development has had
decreasing traction over recent years. Following the 2008 financial
crash, governments have been focused almost entirely on boosting
economic growth; in this context, any policy which did not contribute to
that goal was downgraded in influence. The discourse of climate change
policy looked particularly unattractive: it referred to the global
‘burden’ of emissions reductions and seemed to present policymakers with
a lot of present economic costs and only distant future benefit.
Den ganzen Beitrag "
Far from being a drag on growth, environmental policy can actually help drive it" können Sie
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